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Retention Policy & Schedule
Company Name: Teachers Together Ltd (“the Company”)
Policy No. RP1
Policy Name: Retention Policy & Schedule
Date: 26/5/2020
Version: 1
Retention Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 This policy sets out how long employment/recruitment-related information will normally be held by us and when that information will be confidentially destroyed. This will help us to improve our standards as a leading Recruitment agency in Hertfordshire.
2. Responsibility
2.1 The Company Director is responsible for implementing and monitoring compliance with this policy.
2.2 They will undertake an annual review of this policy to verify that it is in effective operation.
3. Our process
3.1 Information (hard copy and electronic) will be retained for the period specified in our Records Retention Schedule.
3.2 All information must be reviewed before destruction to determine whether there are special factors that mean destruction should be delayed, such as potential litigation, complaints or grievances.
3.3 Hard copy and electronically held documents and information must be deleted at the end of the retention period, unless there is a requirement to delay deletion (as per paragraph 3.2)
3.4 Hard copy documents and information must be disposed of by shredding, placing in confidential waste bins etc.
Records Retention Schedule
This Record Retention Schedule sets out the time periods that different types of records must be retained for business and legal purposes.
The retention periods are based on business needs and legal requirements and should be read in accordance with [insert organisation’s name]’s data protection policy. If you maintain any types of records that are not listed in this schedule and it is not clear what retention period should apply, please contact the Company Director for guidance.
Any deviance from the retention periods in this schedule must be approved in advance by the Company Director.
The first section of this policy will address employment records, the second section will address work-seeker records.